
Showing posts from December, 2018

5 Characteristics of God from Creation...Genesis 1

5 Reflections on God’s Character from Creation 1.) Creation is About God Creation tells us more about God than ourselves, which is a great foundation for our lives. Our lives are not our own, but given to us by God. Yet, the greatest life is the life spent getting to know more and more of God personally and intimately. 2.) God Makes Something Out of Nothing  Earth was without form. It was void. It was dark. This was the “clay” before the “pot”, if you will.  When Earth appeared void and empty and without purpose, God in fact created much within it. 3.) God Creates Order God has established an order for this world. We see darkness and light; land and sea; ocean and sky; animals of air, land, and sea; humanity distinct from animals.  While this doesn’t seem like much, we acknowledge that there is a source of ultimate order in this world. Even in the midst of a culture that pushes relative truth and liberal motives, God’s established order has rem